Apple Developer 会员资格续费没有发票了,太坑了啊!通过 Apple Developer 手机App续费,会自动跳转至App Store进行订阅扣费(而不是之前的使用信用卡进行付费了);⚠️如果能在网页上付款尽量在网页上使用信用卡付款,这样就可以拿到发票使用App Store因为其公司实体不在国内,所以不能开发票;这也是一种变相的逃税[...]
最新消息:主机商NFPHosting被AlphaRacks收购了NFPHosting&AlphaRacks官网公告信息链接AlphaRacks 官网NFPHosting发来的电子邮件Dear NFPHosting Customer,
We are excited to announce that NFPHosting has been acqui[...]
阿里巴巴跨境电子商务--让老外"秒"回复的询盘模板未付款订单Dear ,We have got your order of XXXXXX。 But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price, size, etc., pl[...]